Weekend in Sherwood VIII
4-6 July 2003
Photos by Roeland Tuk

"Costuming for Fun" Fan Panel: Kitty Gamarra and Julianne Toomey-Kautz "Sherwood in Middle Earth" Fan Panel: Laura Blunk
Guest Panel I: The Audience Guest Panel I: Jason Connery
Guest Panel I: Robert Addie Chainmail Workshop: Jim Julien (wearing a chainmail shirt and cap made by Russ) and Russ Herschler
Filksinging I: Rache "Christianity and Paganism in RoS" Fan Panel: Helen Avry, Julianne Toomey-Kautz, Rolf Granlund, and Diane Carey
Guest Panel II: Robert and Jason on the speakerphone with Mark "The Role of Archery in the Legend of Robin Hood" Fan Panel: Janet Van Meter
Banquet: Diane Carey playing the bagpipes Banquet: Pavane dance
Banquet: Joni's Nasir doll was dining at the Nasir table Banquet: The High Table
Banquet: The RoS 20th Anniversary cake Banquet: Todd and Christine Alexander and Mary Bertke
Costume Contest: Winner Rick Dennis as the Green Man Banquet: Owen of Clun (Charlie McKinnon) torn between two Marions (Kitty Gamarra and Janet Van Meter)
Filksinging II: Mary Bertke Major Oak Awards Ceremony: Herne (Helen Avry), Marion (Kitty Gamarra), Huntingdon (Charlie McKinnon), Locksley (Rolf Granlund), and Queen Isabella (Julianne Toomey-Kautz)